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I played your game.

Its soooo hard LOL. Nice game though. I like the concept of control time, I think it would work better on a grid allowing you to only move in 8 directions to avoid things. I think that would lend itself to the puzzle element better. Also, you should add a playable tutorial rather than a screen with text to explain things. On the whole a solid game. I play games from devs on my youtube channel so if you want to submit this game for a playthrough I'd love to give it a proper go.

Thanks for the review. I didn't realise players will think the game is that hard. What do you mean by the 8 directions movement? You can already move in any direction. Sorry if I didn't understand what you meant. Also, I submited the game for a playthrough. 

Hey thanks. I mean on a tile grid rather than have free movement.